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Apple Company (English: Apple Company) is one of the world-famous technical and computer companies located in the United States of America, and it is classified as a multinational company, and the nature of its main business depends on specializing in manufacturing, producing, developing, improving and selling computer programs, smart phone devices and computers, It has a series of electronic devices, such as the iPad, iPhone and Mac computer.

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Birth of Apple

Apple is considered one of the pioneering companies in the modern era, and its existence depended on a long history and full of important events. Between the years 1981 AD to 1985 AD, where Jobs was keen to participate with a group of engineers by establishing a computer device called Apple Lisa, and there were problems that led to the separation of Jobs from the engineers, but the Lisa device succeeded in reaching the markets in 1983 AD, but it faced a failure because of The limited software it offers and the cost The high level of production.

A Macintosh computer was launched from Apple in 1984, and its marketing announcement contributed to reaching many individuals. In 1985, problems arose between Jobs and Apple CEO John Sculley. As a result, Jobs resigned from the company, and Scully took control of it and faced competition with Entrepreneur and programmer Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft Corporation, and Apple and Microsoft fought a case that later damaged Apple’s reputation and retracted it, which greatly affected it, which led to the appointment of Jill Amelio to become its CEO and who ensured that Steve Jobs returned as a consultant to the company.

Steve Jobs became CEO of Apple temporarily in 1997, and was interested in restructuring the production process, and announced cooperation with Microsoft in the area of issuing copies of Microsoft Office software to work on Apple Mac computers, and Apple was keen to open its own store to provide All new products for its customers.

Apple produced its new computer, which was able to sell more than 800,000 copies of it in 1998 AD, and contributed to achieving many profits for the company. In 2001, Apple released its own operating system known as the Macintosh, and since 2005 AD until the present time Apple has witnessed many developments; where Jobs announced the use of Intel processors in the Macintosh industry, and in 2006, both the Mac and MacBook Pro devices appeared, and at this point in time, Apple achieved clear successes that significantly increased its share prices.

Apple sales

Apple has provided many important technology and business services, such as Apple Music (in English: Apple Music) and the Apple Store (in English: App Store), as these services have contributed to an increase in the Apple sales rate for either the iPad or iPhone devices, so the company’s quarterly profits have increased at a rate that reached 12%; equivalent to $ 8.7 billion, with an increase in sales revenue of about 7% compared to 2016, and Apple expects an increase in its sales with the release of its new devices, as Apple’s sales of iPhone devices increased by 2%, while iPad sales arrived It increased to 15%.

The Apple vision is committed to making and providing electronic musical devices and personal computers for individuals, teachers, employees, students, and computers used in government agencies and companies. Apple’s business strategy is concerned with enhancing its capabilities in designing its operating system and contributing to its development, and providing many other products to customers that They are distinguished for their ease of use and their distinctive and innovative design.

Apple logo

Opinions differ on the story of the Apple logo, which symbolizes a biting apple. One of the prevailing opinions believes that the idea of the logo is due to the intelligence of the founder of the company, Steve Jobs, who used this logo to refer to the apple that fell on the head of the scientist Newton, and the reason for the presence of a bite in it is to denote ideas Jobs are associated with incomplete life in general, and there is another opinion that links the choice of the logo of the biting apple with the beginning of the existence of humanity on the surface of the earth, as other views see that the idea of inventing and designing an IMAC was in a region containing many apple trees .

Apple products

Since the establishment of the Apple Company in the twentieth century AD until the present time, the company has been keen on designing, producing and developing many computer and digital products that have represented a huge rise in the computer sector, electronic devices, programs and various applications, and in what comes information about the most important products of Apple Company over the years:

Macintosh computer (English: Macintosh): It is a computer produced by Apple in the year 1984 AD, and it is considered a distinguished component in the world of personal computers, as it was not specialized for a specific group of individuals, but it is easy for anyone to use it.

IPod (English: iPod): It was the first device that contributed to converting the nature and specialty of Apple’s work from interest in manufacturing computers to moving to the manufacture of other electronic devices, where the iPod was interested in digital music and stored in MP3 format, and this device was announced in 2001 m.

IPhone (English: iPhone): It is one of the most important products of Apple, which came after its success in the issuance of the iPod, and was announced for the iPhone in 2007, and was considered one of the most important smartphones.

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